Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy place

             The birds chirping, the sound of grasshoppers, the noise of a roaring fire, early 

in the morning. The damp grass as cold as ice, making my feet wet. The smell of 

pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hash browns in the air. The kids playing near the fire, 

roasting there marshmallows on a stick.  Sitting next to the fire, toasty, 

seeing the water gleam from the sun beating down on it. The fish splashing in the water 

causing it to move. The sound of the reeling fishing poles and excited kids. But i am still 

tired and so I return to my sleeping area. As I unzip to go inside my family calls out 

to me asking if i want to go swimming. I'll meet you over there I replied as I go in, and 

zip the door behind me. I lay back on the unconformable floor with a single pillow and 

a blanket. I recollect all that I saw and smile. I say to myself nature isn't going 

anywhere and I fall back to sleep. not knowing that today was the day we leave. I still 

had to pack everything and leave.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I really enjoyed reading the poetry packet. It was my fist time reading poetry and discussing about it. I thought there was a right answer to what Shakespeare had written but while we were discussing in class I was amazed at all the different types of ways people had interpreted it. Like 116 from the poetry packet to me i thought he was describing what love is and i thought about marriage and till death due us part but others where thinking he was in love.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hello everyone my full name is Edgar Arturo Ramirez, I am 18 years old, and Hispanic. I am a freshman attending Eastern Michigan University and i plan to major in Biochemistry. I have registered for Creative writing because I am working on my General Eds. I don't like to dance or act and i had already taken an art class so i chose it. i hope i do learn for I'm  not really creative so i hope i learn new things in the new class